Introducing HAYLEY - our first Irregular Employee

[above - pyjamas are a SERIOUS business - image credit Emma McBride Photography]
Those of you who have followed Mil & Jolene from the start, when they launched on Kickstarter in Oct 2020 know that there have been LOTS of challenges on this crazy pyjama journey... (you can read the story here if you are new)
In Dec 2023, having finally found a wonderful production partner in India thanks to UKFT, our second full collection arrived which has enabled us to have some traction, and coupled with an amazing business course Jolene did (more on that soon), things are finally starting to flow...
As Mill still works full time in two other jobs, and Jolene has been running the business side of things entirely on her own, it has been the dream to think of employing someone. As part of the universe aligning to our needs, we were presented with our dream employee, the wonderfully named Hayley McSporran, who after running her own brand for years was looking to pivot into a marketing role.
In true Irregular fashion, Hayley is a born minimalist entering a maximalist space... However, she is truly aligned with Mil & Jolene in terms of energy, enthusiasm, ideas & sense of fun AND brings with her an undergraduate + masters degree in fashion design.
Our biggest challenge is figuring out where the intersection lies in our music tastes: Mil x Funk + Jolene x Folk + Hayley x Techno
Any ideas, get in touch!
PS - Hayley's beautiful bags work for everyone - this is Jolene's particular favourite